How to Clear Voicemail Notification

by admin December 27, 2021
clear voicemail notification

Clear the Voicemail Notification That Won’t Go Away:

If your phone consistently has voicemail notifications that won’t go away, then you should fix the problem. But basically, what causes the problem is either the service provider failed to mark the message as read, or there is a bug in the system. If you are facing this problem, then this article will help you to sort it out. Here you will discuss different ways of getting rid of these false notifications.

How to Get Rid of a Voicemail Notification That Won’t Go Away:

There are several methods to try to fix this problem. You can try the following methods:

  1. Restarting Your Phone:

The easiest and common way to fix this problem is by fixing this problem. This method might solve a majority of phone issues. The performance of a smartphone gets slower and starts misbehaving without a long time without a reset.

To reset your android smartphone, you can follow these instructions below:

  • You have to long-press the power button of your smartphone until the shut off menu appears
  • After your mobile has been switched off, simply turn it back on.

Restarting an iPhone might be complicated compared to an Android:

On iPhone X and newer models:

  • You have to press any volume button and the side button.
  • Then, wait for the power off slider to appear and simply drag it once it does.
  • Once it shut off, you have to press the Side key to power it back on.

On iPhone 6,7,8 and SE:

  • Firstly, you need to press and hold the Side button.
  • Then, wait until the power off slider to appear and drug it once it does.
  • Once your iPhone is shut off, simply press the Slide key to power it back on.

On iPhone 5 and earlier models:

  • Firstly, you need to press and hold the top button.
  • Then, wait until the power off slider appears and drag it once it does.
  • Once your device is shut off, then press the Slide key to power it back on.

Also Read: Turn Off Your Roku Player

  1. Re-Enable Voicemail Notification:

Re-enabling voicemail notifications might help you to solve the problem. This solution is simple but effective because all you have to do is:

  • Under the application manager, access the voicemail icon.
  • Then, simply uncheck and check the Show Notifications.
  1. Clear Phone App Data:

It will clear the data of the application without losing any voicemails held by your network provider’s server. Sometimes, your voicemail application might buggy, so this simple method can make the notification go away.

You just have to clear the app cache on an Android device by following these steps below:

  • Firstly, you just have to go to the Settings on your Android device.
  • Then, you have to go to the Storage section.
  • Then, under the Device Storage section, select the Internet Storage option.
  • There, simply click on the Cached Data option.
  • After that, a prompt will appear on your screen, whether you want to clear data.
  • You just have to tap on the clear data.

How you can clear the app cache on iOS devices:

  • Firstly, you have to go to the Settings and then General.
  • Then, you have to tap on the iPhone storage option.
  • Select the program in question and click on the Offload.
  • After that, you have to confirm that.

Then, simply restart your smartphone.

  1. Double Check Your Voicemail:

If the voice message and the notification is genuine, then double-checking to confirm this can save you a lot of time and effort.

In order to double-check your voicemail, you have to follow these instructions below:

  • Simply Swipe down to enter the notification bar.
  • There, you just have to tap on any available voice messages.
  1. Force Stop Visual Voicemail App:

If you getting the new voice mail notification that could be due to a software glitch. You can easily fix it by closing the voicemail app.

Android users can follow these instructions to close the app:

  • Simply swipe up from the bottom to enter the App preview.
  • There, you need to find the voicemail application preview.
  • Then, simply swipe up to close the app.

iOS users can follow these instructions to force stop the program:

  • You have to swipe down to enter the App Preview.
  • Then, simply swipe up to close the voicemail application preview.
  1. Uninstall Applications:

The mobile app could be the reason for all your problem. If you are encountering this problem after installing a new app from the Play Store, then it could be the reason for your false notification. It could be anything, such as game, weather, or any other type of application. So, we suggest you uninstall the app or force stop the app to keep your phone from misbehaving.

However, if you have downloaded several apps recently, then it might be hard to find the culprit unless you enter the safe mode.

The safe mode is a security feature where your mobile runs without any third-party programs. If you have entered into the safe mode and don’t see anything annoying voicemail notification, you would know why.

If you are an Android user, then you have to follow these instructions to enter the safe mode:

  • You have to press and hold the power button on your smartphone.
  • Hold Power Off
  • You have to wait for unit your device is rebooted. The safe mode prompts would appear.
  • Then, confirm.

iPhone users can follow these instructions to enter into the safe mode:

  • You have to hold the Power button until the power off slider appears.
  • Then, press and hold the power off prompt until you see the safe mode prompt.
  • After that, you have to select the Safe Mode and then confirm.

Once you find out which is causing the problem, simply exit the safe mode by restarting your phone. After the phone reboots, you have to remove the app in question by login pressing the app on the home screen, and tapping on Uninstall or Remove.

Apple is very strict about the programs they let into their App Store. Whereas, you could easily have downloaded a buggy or even malicious app on your Android.

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